The aims of the negotiators in New York again seem likely to collide with the aims of the warriors in the field 看来,纽约谈判人员的目标可能会再次与战场上勇士们的目标发生冲突。
They collide with each other over foreign policy. 他们在外交政策上发生冲突。
It is important to set this limit so the stack and shared memory address space do not collide with each other. 设置这个限制,使堆栈和共享内存地址空间不会相互冲突,这一点很重要。
It is important to set their limits so they do not collide with each other. 为了不让数据和堆栈有冲突,设置它们的限制就十分重要。
Looping through the simulation allows the sphere to collide with the ground, and then come to rest. 仿真的循环执行是为了球体与地面相撞然后最终静止的整个过程。
If I do I shall collide with my keyboard. 如果我要打这个词,我势必要和我的键盘搏斗一番。
This is because they collide with the watery molecules and are pushed this way and that. 这是因为它们与水分子相撞后,被弹向各个方向。
You'll keep heading in the same direction until you collide with something solid. 你会一直朝着一个方向行进,直到你发现自己撞上了什么东西。
That happens when two atomic nuclei collide with each other, releasing energy in the form of photons. 当两个原子核相互碰撞时,就会以光子的形式释放出能量。
Would you collide with it, or would you be able to stop in time? 你会撞到它上面吗,或者你能否及时停下来?
My main point is not that the interests of the eurozone collide with those of the non-eurozone. 我的主要论点是,欧元区国家的利益与非欧元区国家的利益存在冲突。
It was predicted that a comet would collide with one of the planets. 预计一颗彗星将会与某一行星相撞。
Really? I wouldn't want to collide with anything going that fast. 真的吗?我不想和那样快的速度移动的任何东西发生碰撞。
The only remaining viable alternative is the heat produced when asteroids collide with one another. 剩下唯一的选择,是小行星彼此撞击产生的热。
In the book, you can also see how the feudal bureaucrats collide with each other and compete with each other. 在这本书中,您也可以看到封建官僚是如何互相冲突,互相竞争。
One way or another, the US is finally going to collide with fiscal reality. 无论如何,美国最终都将与财政现实迎头相撞。
The jade accouterments on her collide with each other, and give out a tinkling sound. 她身上的玉石饰物互相碰撞发出玲玎的响声。
Physical conduct: Showing offensive physical behaviours in public places to touch or collide with an individual. 身体接触性骚扰行为:在公共场所暴露性器官,用性器官接触或碰撞异性。
Some scientists believe they will eventually collide with the Milky Way and become part of our own galaxy. 一些科学家认为最终这两个星云将与银河相碰撞并融为我们所在这个星系的一部分。
Galaxies are very close to each other, but still not close enough to their stars began to collide with each other. 星系彼此非常接近,但还没有近到可以让其恒星互相碰撞到。
They take an atom of lead, accelerate it and have it collide with an atom of nickel. 他们选取一个铅原子,将其加速,让它与镍的原子碰撞。
Set the property or material to collide with. 设置碰撞的属性或材质。
They collide with the walls and with other particles. 它们同其他粒子以及容器壁碰撞。
He added: When people collide with the system they have no rights at all. 他接着指出:当老百姓与司法系统发生冲撞时,前者没有任何的权利。
Another way, in which life could fail to develop to an intelligent stage, would be if an asteroid or comet were to collide with the planet. 从另一方面考虑,生命未能发展到具有智能的阶段,是否可能是小行星或彗星与行星发生了碰撞。
There are a few ways to ensure that your modifications don't collide with the cull and draw thread. 确保你的修改并不会与拣选及绘制线程冲突的方法有以下几个。
Scala intentionally provides no static keyword, since statics collide with the composite OO/ functional paradigm. Scala故意没有提供static关键字,因为static与复合的OO/函数式范式有冲突。
Some of the electrons or ions then collide with the drops and stick to them. 这时有些电子或离子与油滴碰撞而粘附在油滴上。
Environmental protection and freedom of trade become world trends, which might collide with each other. 环境保护与贸易自由已经成为世界潮流,二者交汇必然产生冲突。